Some Characteristics of a Kundalini Process
- Feeling of energy flowing in the nerves and along the spinal cord
- Kriyas (involuntary body movements)
- Mudras (involuntary body postures)
- Sensations of excess heat in the body, beyond what is considered normal
- Sleep disturbances
- Undiagnosable, transient health problems
- Hyperactivity of the sex organs and orgasmic sensations along the spinal cord
Mental / Emotional
- Heightened mental activity or awareness
- Creative impulses and a desire to take up some type of artistic or creative endeavor
- Enhanced intuition
- Psychic sensitivity and paranormal abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, prophetic dreams, out-of-body experiences, awareness of the thoughts and emotions of others, etc.
- Perception of light, internally or externally
- Extreme mood swings — periods of ecstasy or bliss possibly alternating with depression or lethargy
- Profound changes in the personality
- Obsessive / compulsive behavior or other neuroses, usually transient
- Difficulty focusing the mind
- Fear that one is ‘going crazy’
- Expansion of consciousness and a feeling of unity with the divine, and / or the universe
- Desire to take up a spiritual practice
- Need to lead a less materialistic lifestyle, and to do works of charity