The ignorance, just at this stage,
Of this one, all-important Law,
When humankind has come of age
To end the rule of tooth and claw,
Can prove disastrous for the race.
And has already done much harm.
That is why she will soon retrace
Her steps back to the field and farm;
And start the steep ascent to reach
The Kingdom nature has ordained,
One which religion came to preach,
When she self-mastery has gained.
Knowledge, entirely in the dark,
About this Crown of human life,
Must soon a new course embark
To clear the erroneous notions rife.
Hence this inspired direction came
To guide humanity aright,
As Dogma has made knowledge lame,
Bias and Hubris weak in sight,
So he cannot discern the Path,
Which nature for Man has aligned.
His cooks too many spoil the broth,
More so, when some are lame, some blind.
That is why Revelations come
To set the wrongs of Knowledge right,
To muffle his loud beating drum,
And bring his faults and fibs to light.
No poet, scholar, scientist
This Wonder-book can duplicate,
Or its innate appeal resist,
As Truth must triumph soon or late.
’Tis come to herald the New Age,
For which some people fondness show.
Like parrots talking in a cage,
What “New Age†means they do not know.
This Book is aimed to make it clear
That the existing two pursuits
Of wealth and power we must forswear,
As both are hence forbidden fruits;
And mankind must begin the ascent,
Free of the faults that block her way,
To reach the glowing firmament
Of Life-Divine without delay.
A new World-Order must emerge
That has no room for rivalry,
Where all attention would converge
On friendship, love and harmony
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