This article Revelation and Inspiration, by G. Philippe Menos and Karen A. Jones Menos explores Revelation and Inspiration as paranormal phenomena in light of the Kundalini hypothesis.
It examines what some ancient and esoteric traditions tell us about these phenomena, including an interpretation of symbols surrounding Hermes/Thoth (Ancient Egypt), Vak (India), Quetzalcoatl/The Feathered Serpent, (Mayans of Mesoamerica), and Merlin (British Isles).
Historical examples of Revelation, inspiration, creativity, and genius include Mozart, Beethoven, Nostradamus, Mohammad, Newton, Neo-Platonists, Gopi Krishna, Shakespeare, Lu Chi, Goethe, Pascal, Nietzsche, Sri Aurobindo, Guru Nanak, Picasso, Einstein, and Milarepa.